Activate dark mode and change the wallpaper If we leave the mouse over a conversation (without clicking on it), a small preview of the last message sent to us appearsbut our contact will not receive the read receipt.

There is another option to read messages without the blue tick appearing, although in this case the person will be able to see that you are online. When messages come in you will be able to read them but since the window is inactive, they will continue to appear as unread and the other person will not see the blue tick nor will you appear online until you click on WhatsApp Web. You simply have to open another window on the computer (I have used the calculator, but it can be any) and position it so that you continue to see WhatsApp Web, but keep the other active window in the foreground. The reading confirmation or double blue tick can be deactivated from WhatsApp so that it never comes out, but if you have it activated and at some point you do not want the other person to know that you have read their message or that you are onlinewith WhatsApp Web it is very simple. Read messages without the double blue tick appearing and without appearing online The only thing you have to do is open an incognito window in your browser, log in with your other account and voilà, you already have two WhatsApp Web working. If you have two phone lines with two WhatsApps, you can use them at the same time on the same computer.

Use multiple WhatsApp accounts on the same computer If you see something strange, you just have to click on the suspicious session and close it or, if you prefer, close them all. Here you can see the open sessions and the last time it was active. To avoid this, from the WhatsApp app on your mobile, click on the menu button (top left) and choose the ‘WhatsApp Web’ option.

If someone has had access to our phone, they may have scanned the QR to log in and be reading our conversationsSo be very careful with this. Knowing how many sessions we have started can prevent someone from spying on our WhatsApp. More than a trick, it is advice, and an important one. How to know how many WhatsApp Web sessions you have started In this article we tell you nine WhatsApp Web tricks so that you become everything an expert from the desktop version. it is possible to use WhatsApp from the computereither through the browser or from the WhatsApp Web application, something that is especially convenient when we are on the PC since we do not have to look at the mobile.Īs in any application, there are WhatsApp tricks that make it easier for us to use the application and the same thing happens with the version for the computer. Although WhatsApp is an application used mainly on mobile phones, it has also been used for years.